We are a group of international revolutionaries in Rojava who came together, united by our marxist-leninist world-view. We are not a new organisation, a new unity or a new bataillon. We are involved and fighting inside of the TIKKO; army of the TKP/ML. As communist we support the unity of all progressiv internationals independent of their political view.
Here in Rojava we want to use the time we dont fight by living a revolutionary life. That means for us: To study, to train, to do sport, and to devolop ourselfs by discussing, debating, and sharing the different points of view that we find inside the marxist-leninist movement.
Even if we don´t share the ideas of democratic confederalism, as communists, we support the stuggle of the people in Rojava against all their opressors.
We see the important progressiv and democratic aspects of the struggle here especially in contray to the enemys of Rojava like jihadist gangs, turkish fascim and the rest of daesh.
We see also our presence here as an opportunity to learn from the kurdish national movement but mostly from the revolutionnary communist organisations from Turkey.
With our website and our presence in different social networks we want to share the experience we made here, with you and motivate you to take part in the revolutionnary movement.