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Video Rosa Luxemburg Karl Liebknecht

(DE) Video commemorating the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg 100 years ago. Video im Gedenken des 100-jährigen Todestages...

Frohe Weihnachtsgrüsse aus Rojava!

Heute nutzen viele Menschen in Europa die Zeit, um mit ihren Lieben den Alltag hinter sich zu lassen, zusammenzukommen und ein ruhiges, ...

Back from Deir-ez-Zor

Dear Friends and Comrades, Some of our comrades are back from the front line against Daesh in Deir-ez-Zor. During these days Erdogan...

Hello friends and comrades (Eng/DE/FR)

(EN)Hello friends and comrades, You did not hear from us for a while. Today, together with our comrades from TIKKO we took some photos...

November Revolution in 1918 in Germany

Dear Friends and Comrades! With our picture we want to remember the 100 year anniversary of the November Revolution in 1918 in Germany....

World Kobane Day

Today is World Kobane Day. Kobane is a symbol for the resistance of the people against Daesh. We remember the Sehids who fell against...

New Video !!!

Our declaration for the october revolution in english, german, and french Unsere Erklärung zur Oktoberrevolution in Englisch, Deutsch und...

Winter is coming...

First rainy days after month of sun and heat..

Medical training.

IM-LR comrades in medical training. Thanks to all comrades and organisations for supporting the Celox campaign!

Problems with our Facebook

We have some Problems with our Facebook, we try to solve it. Just use this page and you will miss nothing or... visit our new Facebook ...

Deutscher Imperialismus und die Türkei

Warum es in Berlin am 28./29. um mehr als Erdogan gehen sollte. Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, Genossinnen und Genossen Am 28/29...

(FR) Impérialisme allemand et Turquie

Cher.e.s ami.e.s et camarades, Les 28 et 29 septembre prochain, le despote Erdogan viendra à Berlin pour rencontrer ses complices de...

New Facebook!!!

he we have a new Facebookpage

Liebe FreundInnen und GenossInnen

Heute haben wir damit begonnen unsere Kategorie "Theorie" zufüllen. Begonnen haben wir mit einer interresanten Zusammenfassung der...

Dear friends and comrades,

Today we started to fill our Category>Theory, with an interesting summary of the ideas of communism written by Friedrich Engels. The...

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© 1917 by International Marxist-Leninists Rojava

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