Dear Friends and Comrades, Some of our comrades are back from the front line against Daesh in Deir-ez-Zor. During these days Erdogan threatened again with an invasion of Rojava. The invasion in Afrin was prepared in a similar way. Bombardments of border tows has already begun. We call to everybody to follow the news and get the attention to upcoming attacks. Until now it is not clear if, where and how Turkey will attack. We are here to stand side by side with the people to protect social progress against Turkish fascism. We call for solidarity actions which create attention to those fascist threats. Serkeftin! p.s. We also want to critically declare our solidarity with the group “Jugendwiderstand”. Their members were outed in the Tagesspiegel which tried to defame the organisation. We here want to refer to the text from Kommunistischer Aufbau, in which this topic is discussed. (Wir wollen uns ausserdem, kritisch, mit dem Jugendwiderstand solidarisch erklären, dessen Mitlieder in Artikeln u.a. des Tagesspiegels geoutet wurden und deren Organisation zu Diffamieren versucht wurde. Wir möchten hier auch auf den Text “Über konterrevolutionäre Hetze und Lästereien” vom Kommunistischen Aufbau verweisen.)
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